2024 TxP2P Conference Scholarships

Empower families, transforming futures to learn, grow and thrive

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We all crave peer support. When you face something new, who do you call? Someone who knows about the issue. The same is true for families of children with disabilities. They seek out other parents and immediately start deep conversations about their children, resources and how to solve problems they are facing.

Texas Parent to Parent provides 5 conferences specifically for families of children with disabilities, chronic or mental health conditions or other health care needs. Three Regional 1-day conferences in West Texas, South Texas and East Texas. And a 2-day Statewide Conference in Central Texas and a virtual conference for everyone who enjoys Zoom meetings.

All these conferences are free except the Statewide Conference. We have it in a hotel and families typically stay for at least one night. We choose to do it in a hotel so parents can meet each other anywhere they go – in the elevator, between sessions, in the exhibitor room or even in the pool.

As we all know, hotels can be expensive. Our registration fee for parents just covers the expense of the food for the conference. You can help families by donating to cover their expenses so more families will be able to attend the conference